Saturday, January 4, 2014

Round Two

Winter break will officially be over in one day.  The first week of break I went a visited Liz and Nate.  We did some christmas shopping and baby nursery crafts.  The rest of break I had a nice time, I read 12 books, slept a lot, and watched all the Marvel movies.  I was able to go home to Illinois over Christmas and spend time with family.  I got a lot of fun card making crafts, clothes, and gadgets.  I'm not looking forward to starting up on Monday, yet I am excited to see everyone in my class.  This semester my classes are focused on occupational therapy for pediatrics. 

My classes are:
Professional Reasoning for Infants and Children
Functional Kinesiology
Occupational Therapy for Infants and Children
Qualitative Evidence Based Practice
Occupational Therapy Applications for Infants and Children

Every Monday I go to a pediatric clinic in Flowery Branch and observe. Starting this semester as well I begin working on my thesis.  Its a group thesis which has its pros and cons. The topic I will be researching is fall prevention in community dwellers.  I am excited about the topic because a lot of my undergrad classes looked at falling.  

These pictures sum up my break nicely

An awesome card making set

Life in Virginia

Mr. Puds